DaVinci Resolve 12 Disk Database Backup Tool

A bug in the new projects Disk Database in Resolve 12 can invalidate the project XML which can lead to catastrophic loss of timelines.

This Python script zips up the database and saves it in the current user’s Documents directory every two hours. The interval is set inside the script itself. The script does not require OS level scheduling.

Usage is the same in Window,  OS X, and Linux. Run the script after login, or add it to the startup programs for automatic start. In Windows you can rename the extension to .pyw to suppress the console window.

You will need to install Python 2.7 in Windows. OS X and Linux already come with Python, but you need to associate the .py extension with the Python Launcher in OS X if you want to execute the script by double clicking. CentOS 7 seems to be missing Tkinter module which you can install manually with yum install tkinter.

Download: resolvebackup.py.

GitHub: https://github.com/IgorRidanovic/resolve-backup